
Showing posts from February, 2018

Wheels Day

On Tuesday, we were allowed to bring our scooters and bikes to school to practise safe riding. We had fun scootering and biking around the courts. We were lucky that some of the senior children were on hand to help us out.  It got tiring after a while, so we had to have a pit stop every now and then!

Road Safety

As a part of our Road Safety week we went for a walk around our local neighbourhood. We asked our road patrollers to help us cross the busy road outside our school safely. We then walked carefully in pairs being careful when crossing driveways, and walking sensibly. We then crossed a pedestrian crossing which had no road patrollers. This meant he had to stop, look and listen, We crossed the road safely with the help of our wonderful parent helpers. Thank you for helping us be road safe!                                                                                                                                             ...


We are very lucky at Hokowhitu School to have such a great pool that we are able to use every day. This year, we are even luckier has the pool has now got a cover and solar heating! We try to swim every day with all the children from Te Kete Wakahuia. We are getting very brave in the water and are practising hard for our swimming carnival when we get to show off our skills in the water.

Buddy Class

Every second Friday afternoon we get to hang out with our big buddies. We are lucky to have 2 buddy classes at the moment. Mrs Connell's whanau class will be Ruma Torus buddy class and Mrs Handcock's whanau class will be Ruma Wha's. Last Friday afternoon we met to celebrate Chinese new year. We made Chinese lanterns and dragons. Mrs Handcock found a chinese dragon costume which the children wore. Check out our display in the foyer.

Bow Day

Unfortunately our DP, Mr Pouniu is not very well at the moment, so our school decided to show Awhi to both him and his whanau by having a bow day. Mr Pouniu loved wearing bow ties to school everyday so we thought that this would be a great way to both raise money and support the Pouniu family. We raised $2551.70. A fantastic effort, thank you! Miss Stella was very clever and made a video clip for Mr Pouniu from photos and videos taken from our Bow parade. The song 'Shake it Off' is a favourite of Mr Pouniu's. He taught us some actions to the song last year and our Jump Jam crew learnt a new dance to this song too. Click on this link to watch the video. v=piNQcw2Wf_A


We are very lucky to have Mrs Mullinger visit our class every fortnight to teach us Science. Our last lesson was about density - what makes things float or sink? We noticed that the oil floated on top of the water, whilst the salt water sunk? What does this tell us? We then had a challenge ... we had to make a boat out of tinfoil that floated.

Our Class Treaty

In Ruma Toru, we are focussing on being kind to our classmates, and to people in our school. We are also looking at the concept of Awhi, which means to help and support others. We made a class treaty based on these concepts. How do you show Awhi and Kindness in your whanau?
Welcome to 2018! We are excited new learners in Ruma Toru and Wha. Mrs Orr, Mrs Griffin and Mrs Blay will be the teachers in our collaboration. We are looking forward to meeting our new students and their whanau.